Death Drop Difference Of Flying Camel


Product Description

Tugba begins this 3 minute and 21 second video lesson with two demonstrations performed by Chris Bernack. First he executes a death drop and Tugba notes that because the spin is turning in the air it appears that his legs are going around while in fact his leg motion in up and down.

Next Chris demonstrates a flying camel and Tugba asks skaters to note that his body does not move and is forward, his hips open up and his other leg goes back.

Many skaters are proficient with proper landings for Waltz jumps and Axels and when they do this they are unable to kick their second leg back as is required for the death drop. Tugba then shows an exercise at the wall which will help skaters practice performing the “second” kick. She holds onto the wall with her left hand (for those who jump counter-clockwise) and glides forward on a deep outside edge. She then goes onto her left toe with knee bent and her body leaning back as she kicks her right leg forward and up. She pauses in this position before flipping the heel of the toe back (counter-clockwise). She then switches her weight onto the opposite (right) leg before kicking her left leg directly behind her and toward the ceiling.

Tugba reminds her students that as the heel flips, there should be a “clicking” feeling, as this transfer must be done very quickly.



Categories: , , Product Coach: Tugba Karademir. Product Skill Level: Intermediate. Product Lesson Type: Group, Breakdown, Exercise.


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