Toe Loop Take Off Exercise


Product Description

In this 2 minute and 58 second video lesson Robert shows a great toe loop take-off exercise that can be used as your toe loop warm-up. You begin by placing the heel of your right (skating) foot onto the ice directly in front of your right hip. Your head and wrists (crossed together) should be aligned and positioned over the top of the right foot and you should be standing in a straight, upward position.

Maintain this position and once you are balanced and stable try pushing up and down off your left toe pick. Arms and body should remain still and stable, with the only movement being the up and down motion of the foot and toe pick.

This is exactly the position, rhythm and timing you should have during the toe loop at the point where your toe pick makes contact with the ice and begins pushing upward. You should have a nice flex in your right leg and your body should be tilted slightly backward. Practice this first from a stand-still and when you feel comfortable try it while skating backward on your right outside edge and in time you will develop the proper muscle memory.

Categories: , Product Coach: Robert Tebby. Product Skill Level: Intermediate. Product Lesson Type: Group, Breakdown, Exercise.


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