Toe Loop Touching Wrist Exercise


Product Description

Robert demonstrates an excellent toe loop exercise in this 3 minute and 49 second video lesson.

Robert explains that the goal should be to try to begin the rotation with the upper body at the same time the legs straighten. This is done by bringing the arm of the skating leg around and through so that it is touching the arm of the picking leg at the wrists. When your toe pick makes contact you are simply moving up and over it and you are already turning. It is critical that when you go to pick in the ice you are upright and not in a “curtsying” position.

Repeating this exercise will help develop muscle memory and consistency. If you can perform this exercise correctly and consistently, it won’t matter what take-off entry you choose to execute before launching into a toe loop, be it single, double, triple, or quad.


Categories: , Product Coach: Robert Tebby. Product Skill Level: Intermediate. Product Lesson Type: Group, Breakdown, Exercise.


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